There is an old box in the garage...I love it's old painted surface and the rusty ring, I photographed it multiple times this past week, there's so much to chose from, so I picked this picture for today...
I just realized that my last post was my 100th for Upstate Girl... it's kind of cool that I had my 100th when I announced that I published my second novel...I want to thank everyone who stops by regular (or even not regular) and the new peeps passing through to peek at what I do...it's been a great experience sharing my thoughts, my books, my photos, my art, my tales of woe and joys... every day is a story...thank you, I appreciate the support, the comments, and such...
I popped in earlier this week and put up the sidebar photo of my "Birthday Shoes" by "Toe", this chick really needs to do this as a business...the shoes are just sooooo cool.
Today looks stormy, so I'm staying in and catching up on things, like my blogs...

This is the peony that my son gave to me for mother's day...I'm so glad I shot the pic's when I did, the early hot weather took it's toll on it, and then the rain came and destroyed what was left... drat...

Every garden must have a toad...this little dude did not want to sit still for his portrait, so I didn't get a very good one, he was gone within seconds after I took this pic...I lost him in the mat of May flower leaves...

These are some rusty old nails that were in a jumbled pile of 'finds' that I left lying on a stump... digging around this acre I find a lot of stuff buried...it's an ideal archeological dig site in my garden, pottery shards, marbles, silverware, bottles, broken bits of this and that...eventually, I'll find all of the pieces to that flow blue plate and put it back together...

Another find...the acre was once part of a cow farm, so where there's cows, there's cow bones...I dig these things up all the time... this one is part of my stone path in the garden...

This lovely bit is a door in the old chicken coop...I do love that old blue/green paint! I snapped a bunch of photos, and will probably spend more time looking at them and photographing it again and again...that's the beauty of digital cameras...I couldn't do this sort of thing with film...
I've started work proofreading my next novel,
Drinking from the Fishbowl...I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed by it because it's another doorstop sized manuscript with a lot going on, and although my last time reading through was the brutal editorial phase in which red ink flowed like blood, I fear that I will be cutting more as I go along, tho' yesterday while I tinkered around in chapter 1 I added a page...well, dang, that's not supposed to happen! But you know, that's how it is after the brutal editorial phase, you cut, and then you have to go back and smooth out the rough edges. It's been over a year since I last looked at it, so I'm settling down into the proper mental mode for writing again. I'm immersing myself into the world of a poet named Georgia Sullivan and shepherding her on a journey...