I spent a good share of the week between the garden and the porch, when it was raining, I was inside writing, reading, painting...I'm getting into the proofreading groove again with the next novel I'd like to publish from my "stable" of stories, Drinking From the Fishbowl is on deck again, and I'm nearly done with chapter 1.
I started a Q&A at Goodreads a couple of days ago, I'm talking about my book The Fractured Hues of White Light, doing "readings", it isn't easy to discuss a book no one has read yet, soooo I'm having a one-woman discussion...that's okay, I don't mind, in a way this is good practice for me to learn how to talk about my books and it gives curious lurkers a chance to see what it's about before they commit to putting it on their 'to-read' list... here's the link should you decide to lurk or join the discussion...
Yeah, I know, there's going to be a few smirks around the Internet, "Who brought the weird girl?" Hey, I fly my weird girl flag with pride... at least I have the tits to do it (well, since I don't have 'the balls', I go for what I've got, right?)
There's going to be an opening of The Gallery at Healing Art Passages in Liverpool (I'm one of the featured artists in the exhibition, with my Fred and our two friends Ken and Suzanne, here's a link to my art blog http://ohdrat.blogspot.com/) so I'm preparing for that, I have paintings up, and I have a small bin for flat work, in which I tucked a few original drawings and a selection of photographs, some are mounted and some are loose in bags. If you're in the area stop by on Friday night! I'll be doing a book signing there at some point this summer, and possibly, if there's a big enough turn out for the signing, I'll do a reading from one of the two books...
There's a thunderstorm passing through, cooling things down (or possibly making things stickier, it's a crap shoot at this time of year) It's mid June, the bee balm is starting to bloom, it's my favorite time of year!
Dear Laura,
I am glad I stopped by this evening and having a look to see what you have been up to.
The image of Max among the flowers is precious.
Thank you for sharing and I wish you a wonderful Sunday,
love Max, just adorable, and the flower is gorgeous!!
I will go and "lurk" at the book discussion. Don't be offended if I don't enter the discussion. I do good on just observation not conversation.
You are a very perceptive photographer. You never disappoint. I aspire to do what seems easy for you. But then I don't know how many you reject, do I?
this is a really great shot! I like your blog!
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