I've been having fun studying icicles up close... pretty stuff... we have plenty of it after the Nor'easter dumped over 2 feet on our hilltop acre on Thursday...and it's still snowing...it hasn't really stopped...dang.
Our friend's garage fell down yesterday afternoon because of the weight of the snow...be careful out there!
I've been deep into the final proofreading of
The Fractured Hues of White Light and have reached the halfway point...I'm reading the whole proof backwards so I'm in chapter 14 today, and hope to be entering chapter 13 by tonight...not "going with the flow" really helps me catch the last stragglers that I want out, or if I'm really unhappy with a sentence, I'll rewrite it on the spot. I'll do my best to make it as 'squeaky clean' as possible before she is printed...
I'm putting up two copies of
Dusty Waters: A Ghost Story for a giveaway at Library Thing, starting today I believe...I didn't see it on the list yet, it was still pending as of this morning...
Please enjoy the photos of the "Ice-scapes"...there's critter pictures at the end...

I'm a sucker for the vertical orientation of these shards of ice... I tried a few horizontal, but enjoyed them more as verticals...

This is "Pinky 'Possum' who has been visiting our bird feeders for about a week, she's not very big (that's why I think she's a she, the lady opossums tend to be smaller than the boyz.) She is quiet and doesn't seem to mind us much, I have to keep Max on a leash while she's there, he's soooo excited to make friends, but I don't want him to tangle with the little fur ball, make her play dead or anything... I just love that little face (and she does wiggle the little ears, how funny!) I'm sure, there will be moments when she'll become a nuisance critter... if necessary, I'll trap her in a have-a-heart and release her so she can be happy somewhere else.

I caught a rather blurry shot of a crow landing on the snow, I loved the open wing...I'm fooling around with it in Photoshop, this is what I have so far...

Last but not least, my faithful dog, the Best of Good Boys, Max! (The day after the snow storm, after my Fred dug out the driveway!) For ONCE he looked at the camera with ears in full bloom!
just gorgeous shots of ice, and your Max is so handsome! the snow has really taken a toll this year everywhere... oh and your little critter is so cute!
Ice is fascinating to see. Like clouds, they carry our visual histories. I imagine a lot of time could be spent looking out the window.
I thing, perhaps, (and I don't want to tempt fate) that my travail with the computer world is over. It started on Nov 10 with a virus and then I crashed two mother boards, and one rebuilt computer burnt out and finally, I have a Mac. I have been assured that all my dalliances with the internet, I will not topple my house again.
I have missed not see what you have been upto. You have been pursuing your life, just as expected. Good going!
And Max, in all of his glory, is magnifcient.
Good to hear from you both, thanks for visiting! I'm glad you have your new computer, Pat! Welcome back!!
Great shots of the ice. And that crow has some menace about it. I love the ghostliness of the image.
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