Welcome to my blog Upstate Girl, (a.k.a Follow Your Bliss Part II), I am an independently published author. This blog is all about writing and the stuff that inspires me to write, the joys and obstacles that come along with the writer's life, and my fascination with the psychology of people and what makes them tick...the human condition, as is...and my love for words, playing with them and making sense of them...and I throw in a few photos from my acre of the world just to make things pretty...sometimes there are things I have no words for, only pictures will do.

*Copyright notice* All photos, writing, and artwork are mine (
© Laura J. Wellner), unless otherwise noted, please be a peach, if you'd like to use my work for a project or you just love it and must have it, message me and we'll work out the details...it's simple...JUST ASK, please.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

From my acre of the world...

Autumn Glory...I planted a package of Heavenly Blue Morning Glories and they came up purple...go figure...

This Walking Stick came marching up to me with such purpose, I thought for sure he had something to say to me...

Oh, Wooly Bear...what are you trying to tell me with those colors of yours? Will we have a real winter this year?

The Spider's House

Solitary leaf

One of my favorite blues...

I'm always amazed when my shaky hands snap a good shot...

A duo...

Summer is winding down and I'm getting closer to finishing my manuscript, Drinking from the Fishbowl...I'm taking my sweet old time with it, being very careful...perhaps too cautious...at times I fear it has become a monster, but then, as soon as I return to it, I realize that it isn't at all, it is exactly the way I've wanted it to be, and I've been taking great care to trim away what is unnecessary and embellishing the details to tell the story. I've been a bit distracted, so when my focus is off, I don't bother trying to do any editing when I'm like this, and I turn my attention to other things, short things like poems or something like sifting through all of my photos and picking the best ones for possible prints some day...

It is a balancing act that I perform everyday...and everyday I remind myself how fortunate that I am, in spite of so much that could have held me back, and the overwhelming pain and other peculiar symptoms that I deal with on my FMS bad days, I have kept going forward...

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