Crouching Tigger-Hidden Pooh and Charlie behave like angry drunks and wrestle on the floor until someone cries (usually Tiggy-Pooh)...
Fatty Woo just purrs loudly in a tubby tabby bunch on the bed...
Willy Big's eyes get bigger and that little white tip at the end of his tail gets poofy...
Picky-Picky starts to chase shadows...wait...she does that anyway...she just becomes paranoid and tweaks out...hisses at the nearest cat who might be stalking her...or not...
Poor Max, being a dog, he feels left out of the loop...he doesn't understand catnip...he's tried to eat it, but doesn't see the point...I tell him, its a cat thing...his little coffee bean colored eyes beg once again for "a little brother", and I promise again...someday we'll bring home a puppy...a special one who needs us...
Max doesn't like bees (he doesn't like buzzy bugs around him, he eats them) I keep him away from the little honeys...and think about the idea of beekeeping...where would I put the little buzzers home on my acre? You know...and all that sort of beekeeping stuff...maybe it's something I'll do in my golden years once I'm done running around doing the day job thing and I can be here doing the fun stuff I like to dream about full time...
My cat loves catnip too - she goes mad for it, so we have to keep it locked in a draw, or it ends up all over the lounge floor. She has a very naughty habit of catching the bees that buzz around our lavender in her mouth! One day she will get a nasty suprise :/
My niece made catnip toys for my kittens. They went crazy for it. But I don't let them have it very often because they seem to come immune to it and I don't get to see all the fun. So being very selfish, I meter it.
My dog Frida, eats bees. when she was a pup, a bee stung her and I took her to the vet because I (at that point) didn't know that she did such a thing. But now, I just push her away when I am in the gardena and she is bee chasing.
i have been thinking of bee-keeping too there are some articles written how back yard bee keepers may be the ones to save the honey bees (as the big commerical ones will lose hive after hive to mites and japanese hornets).
however, i have also read bees are polite vistors but very territorial around their hive so i dunno - not quite enough space in our yard to have a "no tresspassing - beware of bees" section.
Dog Buddy:
we finally got the Big Dog a dog - or my husband got a six month old hunting dog. Big attitude change in my goofy lab mix. He became the best big brother and babysitter any human could ask for. In return, the Big Dog has an adoring fan - the two dogs are the Best Buds. Jetjet is now almost four years and Jack is seven. They still play A LOT and keep each other great company.
Boys will be Boys and Girl dogs do not appreciate all the sniffing and wrestling the boys want to do...
just something to think on....
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