Looking at these formations... order and chaos at the same time... really pretty stuff.
Speaking of order and chaos... I just finished my latest proofreading of The Fractured Hues of White Light, it's been a month... a long long month of steady work... I started at the end of the proof and worked my way forward, bit by bit, picking out changes to make, rethinking some paragraphs that felt a bit "thin" that I took the time to improve upon. I've been working on this book since... well, 2001 I think I plunked down the first notes having to do with a curious conversation between a couple of people who had nothing to do with a book I was working on at the time... since their banter wouldn't go away I had to write it down, they were too distinct to ignore... there's order and chaos in writing. I've been working on getting this baby ready for publication for almost a year... originally I thought I could get it done by October, but that didn't happen (obviously), but thankfully, I've been taking my time, it's a better book for the extra effort and time. I figure I have one more read through before printing... I'm hoping by May she'll be ready to put into the hands of readers...
stunning photography... just wonderful textures!
I like that you see chaos in order and perceive the opposite.
Love your photos!
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