Butters at 18 weeks...he's mesmerized by a fly so he was standing still...very still... |
The bitty little kitty is growing up, not so bitty any more, he's so handsome and sweet! He's running around being silly this morning, and was playing in the trash bucket under my desk just a bit ago (I did take pictures and a video, we'll have to see how those turned out!)
I just love this little blue stone...the leaf got there on its own... |
I don't have an oak tree anywhere on the acre, but a leaf dropped in...blew in actually... |
Yup, I'm still photographing the dried weeds and grass on the stones...been lovin' that... |
The fog on Thursday morning was beautiful... |
Yes, we have snow...it came Wednesday night, it's still here and will linger up here in the higher elevations until it warms up again, down lower about a half mile away there's green...we're just special, I guess...this is typical for us, no shock, no surprise, we've had snow storms on Mother's Day, flurries in the air right up until May 20th...it's not "safe" until Memorial Day to plant anything delicate...it's just been a long winter...
I felt bad for this poor little robin with his fluffed out feathers...he didn't much like me lookin' at him either... |
The fog in the trees... |
My old friend Maple Tree, touched with fog and morning light... |
It's been a busy week, I spent too much time on my feet on Monday-Wednesday and have paid for it in spades, I had the dreaded sciatic nerve pain and it kept me in bed most of Thursday (of course, it didn't stop me from walking the dog, but the poor dude needed to pee and poo, so I brought the camera along like I always do!) Wretched pain...I slathered on Voltaren, used my electro-stim TENS unit, and stayed off my feet as much as possible. And of course, it triggered FMS pain too, so...when it rains it pours. Although I'm much better, My legs are still tingly and on the edge of "one false move", which is an on pins n' needles existence, so I'm going to continue to take it easy this weekend and hope that everything will calm down...
Our book is finally finished, printed, and beautiful! |
Our little art book arrived in the mail on Tuesday afternoon, we were pleasantly surprised how gorgeous it is...we had to make a few adjustments to some things, but still it's lovely...I'm sure there will be other small things we'll decide to tweak over the course of time, but for the most part, the book is DONE and we brought it with us to last night's reception at Moonlighting to show it to our guests, and everyone thought it was mighty nice...it's a fine achievement to put together such a project, it was a bit overwhelming at times, but yet, not...hard work and many years in the making!
Here he is, in the trash bucket having a good time being a kitten...gotta love the little squeezin's! |