A dried out burdock leaf made an interesting pattern I couldn't resist...
This little guy was in my garden feasting...

I've been out and about the acre on and off today (and yesterday)... taking a few pictures (if you can say 86 photos to be a few!)

A rose in my garden...taken yesterday...

Marks on asphalt...
I found a box of nails that were left out... I love the "wash" at the bottom of the box...

August flowers...
I finished preparations for my next art exhibition at a local restaurant (Gentile's), matting, framing, making labels, and figuring out prices, 20 pieces total, paintings, drawings and photographs...a nice mix of things for people to look at... I hope the patron's and the staff enjoy my work...I believe the installation is happening on August 6th. I'm looking forward to going there for dinner (OMG that's a belly full of yummy food!)
I just Googled Syracuse.com earlier today and found that the notice for my book signing on Saturday, August 7th 1-4 at The Gallery at Healing Art Passages in Liverpool NY has been posted, so hopefully that will bring in some new peeps to see what I've been up to... I'm pretty happy to do this little gig, and I hope to expand to other places in town or the region...
I'm proofreading chapter 3 of my next manuscript
Drinking from the Fishbowl...tinkering with this and that, it's moved along too easy, I'm suspicious when that happens, so I'll revisit it again later, maybe I'm too tired to really think about it today.
At the end of our walk...with distant thunder rumbling over Syracuse in the north, my faithful dog, Max, once again proves that he does not like his picture taken... believe me, just seconds before I took the picture, he was looking up at me with perky ears and happy brown eyes...

(He's the best of good boys!)