The bunnies finished off my brussel sprouts...poop.
Busy editing The Fractured Hues of White Light today...I had chapters 3 and 13 open, side by character Sylvester was talking to needed to be done...there was just this spot that bugged me in chapter 3, something needed to be said, and it wasn't being said, and was sort of said in 13, but it really needed to be moved to chapter 3, and something in chapter 3 needed to be moved to chapter 13, so...word's part of the fun of being a writer...and the book only gets better from the extra effort, and I'm happy as can be about what I just did to it today...and then this also got me back to thinking about my big fat epic Washed Glass, which I plan to work on this winter (gotta have something to look forward to while the snow is up to my ass and no garden to play in...)
I'm in the process of starting a give away of Dusty Waters through Good Reads, as soon as I figure out what I gotta do...if there's anything more I gotta do in this shameless self-promotion effort, I'll get 'er done and keep you posted!