
Looking out my studio window and seeing snow, I need to remind myself that there will be more to come this spring...there's a bunny doe sunning herself at the base of the old maple tree outside my window, I've been watching her all day, she's lived on our acre for a long time and has mothered a number of litters...I took a picture of one of her little ones that my dog Max brought me one day this past spring, and I put it back where he found it...silly dog, he's so gentle when he picks them up, he never hurts them...
He's the best of good boys...
My MRI's are fine, things are just as they should be for the most part, no surprises. I loved looking at the images, being a visual artist, I saw the beauty of these slices of images taken of my brain and my neck...and I exclaimed to the doctor "they're beautiful", I think he's appreciative of the science involved, while I was admiring the imagery...so my brain is normal (yay, no sign of MS or stroke or tumor). My neck, well, degenerative disc disease is well on its way to making my life miserable, but it's in the early stages and manageable with exercise and NSAIDs...seems like that's all I do is work on some part of my body that hurts doing some form of stretching or bending...
So the good news...nothing that I have wrong with me will kill me.
We'll work on getting the insurance company to allow us to take an MRI of my lower back, there's definitely something going on there...I've been extra crunchy lately, so my three little toes have gained some feeling back...I'm glad to see improvement...
I'm going to have minor surgery on December 4th to take care of my erratic menstrual cycle that has been getting me down for a couple of years now, my GYN has decided to do the Novasure endometrial ablation procedure since the D&C last February didn't seem to help. This is a good thing, I'm not expecting miracles, but I'm hoping for the best. I'd rather not have a hysterectomy at this point in my life.
I'm putting together new drawings to drop off at the Delavan, framing and matting is coming along, I should finish soon...this is one I'm taking there, it's called The Eighth, it's a mixed media bit of beauty, watercolor, pencil and colored pencils...

I'm working on my new novel, Layers of Illusion, it's coming together, I've been piecing together a new chapter today...well, I started it last weekend from bits and pieces that I've been writing for a few years now...it's starting to sound like something, and probably something bigger than just a chapter, it'll work itself out over time, it still has a way to go...
My Blog 'Follow Your Bliss', has winter scenes in various mediums to look at...I hope you stop in and enjoy!